Surround Display Viewing

Three types of display viewing are available for use with your full-screen games as well as with your desktop. You set the viewing type by selecting the appropriate resolution. You can set one type of viewing for your game by selecting the game resolution, and another type for your desktop by selecting the resolution from the Windows or NVIDIA control panel.

The following are the available viewing types:

  • Single-display: The game or video is presented on the centre display.

    To use single-display viewing, select a standard display resolution such as 1280×1024.

    If the content appears on one of the side displays, swap the display cables between the display in the centre and the active display and then run the wizard to correct the display positions at the Arrange your Surround displays screen.

  • 3-wide display: The game or video is presented on all three Surround displays.

  • To use 3-wide display viewing, select a 3-wide resolution such as 3840×1024.

  • 3-wide with bezel correction: The game or video is presented on all three Surround displays and bezel correction is applied.

    To use 3-wide viewing with bezel correction, select a 3-wide resolution with an odd horizontal width, such as 3841×1024.

You can switch between all three viewing types by simply changing the resolution.


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Surround Display Viewing